Are Seattle Sutton's Meals Gluten-Free?

We are focused on following sound nutritional guidelines and including a variety of nutritious foods to provide your body with exactly what it needs to look and feel its best. Many people give up gluten because they think it’s a healthier way to eat, but unless you have a medical condition that requires a gluten-free diet we believe it isn’t necessary. Our delicious meal plans include a variety of whole grains, including wheat, rye, and barley; which all are gluten-containing grains.

Fiber and certain vitamins and minerals are difficult to obtain on a gluten-free diet. Many gluten-free products lack fiber, B vitamins, and folate which are a variety of complex carbohydrates. Whole grains are a major source of dietary fiber, which benefits our bowels, lowers cholesterol, aids weight loss, and may help improve blood glucose. Gluten-free products tend to be lower in fiber and often contain more sugar, fat, and calories to make up for the texture and flavor that is lost when gluten is not present. A study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics which analyzed 1,700 different gluten-free products found that processed gluten-free foods had more fat, saturated fat, salt, and sugar than traditional foods. It’s possible to get the fiber you need from other gluten-free grains but we believe that variety and a diverse diet benefits the body in numerous ways.

There is a small percentage of people that need to follow a gluten-free diet, we do not have the demand to accommodate the 1% of Americans that require a strict gluten-free diet. However, some of our meals are naturally gluten-free and all of our products are portion controlled so if you are gluten-sensitive and need to cut back on the amount of gluten in your diet, our plan may be just right for you.

We are committed to sound, factual nutritional recommendations. We understand that many people have decided to go gluten-free based on little to no evidence or medical recommendation, but due to a nutritional fad. As with all fad diets, weight can be lost when certain foods are restricted but often weight loss is not maintained when someone returns to a normal pattern of eating. We commit to providing you a diet that will help you lose weight for good and feel better without any unnecessary food restrictions.

No gimmicks. No unnecessary restrictions. No flavorless meals. Just living life delicious!


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